New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.

New Tools. Fresh Voices.

Exhibitions, Competitions and Writing on AI Art.


Monthly AI art competitions hosted by Prompt Forum. Explore the competitions, winning submissions and artist reflections.

See Competitions

Featured Artists

Explore the varied ways our featured artists are using AI tools through interviews, written pieces and curated galleries.

See Featured Artists


IRL exhibitions curated by Prompt Forum. Explore the exhibitions and the artworks.

See Exhibitions

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